23 février 2011 3 23 /02 /février /2011 23:01

POSer un LAPin
happening dérivatif
commissaire d'exposition Michael Shamberg
galerie Arnaud Lefebvre, Paris
galerie Ivana de Gavardie, Paris
complicité de Marie Sochor, David Théophile et Paul-Louis Flandrin

Participation au Turtle Salon de Michael H. Shamberg du 18 janvier au 26 février 2011 - Turtle, un salon anarchique, “un réseau ouvert et chaotique d'idées, de gens, de projets, d'évènements et de lieux divers mais interconnectés” - Michael H. Shamberg.


Descriptif du happening dérivatif à l'attention de Michael Shamberg - curateur - en séjour à Baltimore. Paris, le 10 février 2011.





An fitting of 85 plaster hanged rabbits and one sitting on the table, a literal representation of the French expression “poser un lapin” was in Arnaud Lefebvre’s gallery.
Everyone was invited at Galerie Arnaud Lefebvre by Francine Flandrin. Arriving at the gallery, they saw a hunter and a rabbit, but no “Francine” around. A figurative sense of “poser un lapin”.



Purchasing the rabbit, the hunter…
courtesy Caroline Bousbib



… fell in love !
courtesy Caroline Bousbib



The rabbit too, but not of the hunter !!!
courtesy Caroline Bousbib




After this paroxystic drama, spectators were invited to meet the person who had invited them,…
courtesy David Théophile



plan-poser-1-lapin-lefebvre copie

… they received a map to join the place…



… where the artist welcomed them…



… by offering some rabbit terrine !!!



But ! If they arrived directly at
Ivana de Gavardie's gallery, you'll ask?


plan-poser-1-lapin-lefebvre copie

An other map indicated them the place to join, to
know why they were having rabbit terrine ?!!




Everyone really appreciated the terrine, or was it an irresistible attraction towards her golden jumbo lashes stuck on her star’s glasses ??? No one ever knew…




At the end of the opening, the artist joined the hunter who had had the skin of the rabbit.








We have noticed some “effets secondaires” after the ingestion of the terrine on Arnaud Lefebvre…



and on Ivana de Gavardie !




Courtesy captation photographique
Caroline Bousbib
David Théophile
Alain Wagner


Courtesy performance
Marie Sochor
Paul-Louis Flandrin


Galerie Arnaud Lefebvre - 30 rue Mazarine 75006 Paris
tel. :+33 (0) 1 43 26 50 67 / +33 (0)6 81 33 46 94


Galerie Ivana de Gavardie
10 rue des Beaux Arts 75006 Paris
tel. :+ 33 (0)1 43 54 55 23


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